Live and disciple among the nations

We launch and develop new generations of people like you to sacrificially advance Jesus’ Kingdom to the ends of the earth.

The Navigators

We are an international, interdenominational Christian ministry established in 1933. Our mission is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations. We equip people through Life-to-LifeTM mentoring—or discipling—relationships and equip them to do the same for others.

Stories from the Blog


Missions, Marriage, and Pastries

Surprisingly, my biggest challenge as a freshly married young woman working at a children’s home in Africa is not the oppressive heat, separation from family, or even lack of coffee shops. I expected to surrender those trials to the Lord…

Diving into Missions Life Overseas

Arriving on the mission field felt a bit like cliff diving: exhilarating and terrifying. In one leap, we left our safe and secure American lives and launched into the unknown world of rural Africa. We had a rough idea of…
Stow-away minivan seats solved our packing mess.

From Bliss to Mess: An Overseas Story

Planning a wedding and a move across the world is not difficult—it’s insane. Before my wedding, dozens of well-meaning people told me first-year marriage horror stories. With stress about my dress, the weather, and the flowers, I had no brain…

Events with Navigators World Missions

Introduction to Missional Education

The Introduction to Missional Education seminar is for those who are interested in using their teaching skills and experience to reach the nations.

Entrepreneurial Readiness Workshop


An opportunity to learn and be equipped to impact the nations as a missional entrepreneur.


A weekend for those who are passionate about taking the gospel to the nations but need God’s guidance (and a sending organization) to get there.

World Missions Monthly: Build your head and heart for missions

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