Mobilize Central

The one stop shop for Navigators World Missions Mobilizers
The Mobilizers Bundle

The Mobilizers Bundle provides you with everything you need to set up a Navigators World Missions table at your next conference! Please make your request for the Mobilizers Bundle a minimum of three weeks prior to the event start date. At the conclusion of the event, use the return shipping label provided inside the Mobilizers Bundle to return unused materials, banners, and completed contact cards to headquarters.

Before placing an order for a Mobilizers Bundle you will need to know the following:

  • The location and dates of the event
  • Approximate number of students attending the event
  • Details about the booth you will have at the event (table size, location, etc.)


The Mobilizers Bundle contains:

  • Promotional Pieces for each of the pathways
  • A Missions Guide
  • Contact Cards
  • Event Invitations
  • SWAG (Stickers, T-Shirts, Pens, Globe Stress Balls, etc.)
  • Table Dressings
  • Banners


Note: In order to serve you best, please allow three weeks for processing and shipping the Mobilizers Bundle

Using the Mobilizers Bundle

The Navigators brand attributes are Bible-Based, Relational, Transformational, and Intentional. These attributes are no different when it comes to Navigators World Missions. When setting up a table at an event it is important to follow these best practices to maintain a consistent experience for our constituents and reinforce our brand attributes.

Setting up your table:

  1. Use a Navigators World Missions branded table cloth/skirt provided in the Mobilizers Bundle to create brand awareness.
  2. Provided table top banners should be placed at both ends of the table. If the table size does not allow for the placement of 2 banners place 1 on the left side of the table.
  3. When facing the front of the table display, place the provided brochure holder to the right of the left pop-up banner. This holds each of the pathways brochures. Keep only 5-10 of each brochure in the holder to avoid creating a messy and overwhelming display.
  4. In the center of the table, place a handful of the provided pens along with a stack of 25 contact cards.
  5. Next to the contact cards is a good place to put any provided invitations for things such as Exposure and the Entrepreneurial Readiness Workshop.
  6. Place the SWAG on the right side of the table. T-shirts should be folded nicely with the logo on display. Keep only 1 of each size T-shirt on display. Nearby the T-shirts, neatly stack or place the provided stickers and globe stress balls.
  7. Use only the provided brochures and SWAG to maintain a consistent brand experience.


Interacting with students:

  1. When possible stand in front of the booth to be more relational and intentional about meeting students and getting to know them.
  2. Our main goal in interacting with students is to assist them in hearing and following God’s calling for their life. If it happens to involve missions and we can help them, great! If not, we still want to provide a relational and transformational experience!
  3. Our second goal is to have students fill out contact cards. These are not just for follow up. We will also send them Bible-based, relational, and transformational articles from our blog to help equip and prepare students with an interest in missions.
  4. Our third goal is to provide personally relevant information to students and invite them to join us for ERW or Exposure. If the student states a specific interest, like Business as Missions, give them the corresponding pathways brochure and invite them to the event that best meets their needs.
  5. Last but not least, give students some SWAG in exchange for their contact information and the opportunity to get to know them and hear their story!

After the conference:

  1. Send the Mobilizers Bundle back to the address below along with all unused promotional materials and completed contact cards. Please send the Bundle back as soon as possible so it can be sent on to the next mobilizer.

Navigators World Missions

3820 N. 30th St

Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Finding The Right Pathway
If a student has a specific interest, try to match them with the pathway that best fits their interest. Each pathway has a brochure with additional info and next steps for getting involved. We created a resource to make this easier. Visit to browse the pathways with short descriptions of each. For greater detail such as pricing, trip durations, locations, etc just click on the pathway to view the details page.

Interesting in joining staff?

Fill out the form below!