Discipling for Development
Have you ever felt God nudging you to work among people in communities struggling with poverty?
Would you rather work with people instead of just doing things for them?
Do you sometimes wonder where to find hope for the seemingly intractable problems facing so many people in our broken world?
Discipling for Development (D4D) can help you practice whole-life discipleship, address poverty alleviation, and work with communities to experience God’s restoration in all areas of life.
Explore the Whole-Life Discipleship Course and other Learning Cohorts
Whether it is walking alongside people experiencing economic poverty or expanding your understanding of how community integrates into whole-life transformation, let us know how Discipling for Development can serve you:
- Expand your understanding of following Jesus in a way that brings fullness in every area and relationship in your life. Our free Whole-Life Discipleship Course provides five self-guided sessions that are great to work through on your own or as a small group.
- Our team in Atlanta with the Resilient Communities Center offers online Learning Cohorts where you can explore God’s heart for relational poverty, empowerment, and storytelling as development.
- Experience community discipleship and transformational development alongside our Resilient Communities Center in Atlanta.
- Consider long-term D4D service among an unreached people group.
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor (Luke 4:18).
- Jesus
Whole-life discipleship with D4D
The Navigators World Missions pathway of Discipling for Development can train you to mentor others holistically.
Disciple people: Offer whole-life discipleship and hope to those struggling in poverty, mentoring them in community to grow into all that the Father intends them to be and do.
Develop communities: Gain experience in empowering communities to solve their problems, gain control of their lives, and help other communities do the same.
Transform lives: See community members grow as whole persons—physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually—as the Spirit of God transforms their lives.
Biblical restoration for broken relationships
In conjunction with Navigators World Missions staff serving with D4D, you can learn to better help people in community experience God’s Good News:
- Restored and active relationship with God
- A new identity in Christ
- Healthier bonds with family and friends
- Godly stewardship of resources leading to better living conditions, sufficient food, and economic hope