How do you make new friends on a new campus using a new language? Maybe an old game. Table tennis, anyone?
To prepare for leading a Navigators iEDGE missions team in Mexico and to explain their ministry, Kevan and Ashley made an action video—ping pong action. They share their story below and on the iEDGE Mexico page.
Ping Pong, Bible, and Friends
Kevan: On campus it’s easy culturally to meet people playing ping pong….Now almost all of the 13 to 15 guys I read the Bible with come from there. It’s going to be cool one day—my prayer is—in twenty years, when they have their guys, who have their guys, they’ll say, “This random gringo came and destroyed me in ping pong but then we started reading the Bible together and it changed my life.”
Ashley: My most spiritual friends have never read the Bible before….You kinda want to…say, “I can help you learn so many things about the God that you say that you worship. And you will love Him so much more and you will live your life so differently if you just take the time to get to know Him.”
Kevan: It’s a real hope for people here….it really is News.
Ashley: It’s 100 percent worth it to give our lives away like this.
See the video of Kevan and Ashley’s story above or at iEDGE.org/mexico.
Video by Caleb Zehr